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Incident Reports

Incident reports serve as an essential tool to help firefighters learn from incident operations. Some incident reports are formal in nature, produced by independent investigators or department leadership, while others are more informal, like post-incident tailboard critiques. After-action reviews are typically held after significant incidents or as directed by fire department policy. Learn more about the three primary styles of after-action reports.

Avoid three common errors – miscoding; inaccurate or omitted time recording; and incomplete, brief or poor narratives
The departments onboarded onto the National Emergency Response Information System are capturing critical details about various incident types
The new National Emergency Response Information System is being developed to reduce data entry burdens on firefighters
The after-action report information from the Boise hangar collapse focuses on rescues, triage and scene safety
Union President John Sibiga said the report shows the Baltimore County Fire Department “lacks sufficient fiscal, physical, and human resources to accomplish its core mission”
Ill. OSHA report highlights accountability, communication among several errors in the death of a relatively new firefighter
Considering how to incorporate psychology into investigations to help prevent firefighter traumatic injury and death
Other possible causes, such as campfires, target shooters, smoking, debris burning and vehicles, were rejected, a CAL FIRE peace officer said
Join Highland Park Fire Chief Joe Schrage in conversation with Deputy Chief Billy Goldfeder to learn how his department responded to this incident.
Sometimes people will only judge you or your agency by the quality of your report, so take the time to do it right, and check your work!
Chief officers not only hold the keys to keeping members on track, they can make the choices that advance departments from talk to action
The origin of our current command system began 50 years ago and was further developed through the work of Chief Alan Brunacini
We need to go beyond what went wrong to include what went right – and why
Learn what firefighters should know about patient privacy in this tip from risk management expert Gordon Graham
In this tip, Gordon Graham emphasizes the importance of well-written, accurate, complete, objective and timely incident reports
Interim Fire Rescue Chief Tim “TD” Hardy said the report is part of a series of evaluations meant to prevent similar incidents
Key questions to help determine if your department has the documentation needed – and whether your members are prepared
The report outlines how a recently installed water tank and snorkel for water drop exercises contributed to the crash
First responders must be clear about their observations and follow key documentation guidelines to be considered as a credible witness
CognitiveEMS, developed by University of Virginia researchers, provides prompts to support responders’ decision-making
Fire Chief
We must review our incidents with honesty or we’ll never be able to improve as a fire service
The two firefighters remain in critical condition more than five weeks after being severely burned while battling the Silverado Fire
Why we need to consider another incident priority: Helping fire victims post-fire
Using data to track factors influencing firefighter mental health to identify, intervene and prevent PTSD
How months of civil unrest forced the fire service to build new community relationships, fight for access, step up communication and protect its members
Nautically themed tools prompt fire service leaders to expand resources and assess risk
Your agency’s data can help inform local decision-making, mitigate risk, improve firefighter safety and show the impact you are making
Estimating fire damage on the spot may affect decision-making about entering structures and depth of overhaul operations